Name Tags

We made name tags at work today! Here’s mine:


And here’s Al’s:


I saw Avatar in IMAX 3D and I enjoyed it more than the first (at least because my high expectations weren’t crushed)… probably wouldn’t see it a third time though. =)

Awesome Frisbee Weekend

This weekend was a wondrous ultimate frisbee weekend as the weather was awesome and we had a great showing (including Simon from BV UK)! We also ended up playing the longer way on the field pretty successfully. It was a good time and we had only minor injuries (I believe Mark was bleeding and Steph messed up her finger a little).

Some BV and related folk came over on Saturday night and we played Mr.Bacon’s Big Adventure, which turned out to be pretty much like Candy Land, and a few other games in addition to that. Wrapped up the night with a visit to Jim’s which has solidified the realization that caffeine is actually doing things to me now. That’s something new for me to get used to…

On Sunday, went to Vox, then watched the USA/Canada game (grats, Canada). Took the doggies back up to Round Rock (was taking care of them while mom/sister were visiting Dallas) and now I’m just chilling at the parents’ with Oriana…

Here are some pics from a BV game night at my place on Thursday:

BVTS-GameDay-014 (by owiber)

BVTS-GameDay-017 (by owiber)

BVTS-GameDay-025 (by owiber)

BVTS-GameDay-040 (by owiber)

BVTS-GameDay-050 (by owiber)

BVTS-GameDay-057 (by owiber)

Tiff cleaning my sink (Yay! … and she’s crazy!):

BVTS-GameDay-062 (by owiber)

BVTS-GameDay-066 (by owiber)

Update: Eric made a great video montage of game night!