Singapore & Taiwan

It’s done! Viraj provided assistance in interviewing and some creative juices, if you know what I mean. Erhm…

When we played this to Sam, he sent me a multitude of cuss words. <3 Sam. ;)

Viraj made me censor a scene, but if you know me and want to see it, friend me on YouTube (owiber) and I may give you access to the uncensored version. =)

I wish I had gotten more footage, but not feeling well for part of the trip took a toll on my willingness to film much. Wish I had more footage of others on the trip. Next time! Enjoy!


For my birthday, I gave myself a few days off of work (Friday, Monday and Tuesday). Chad also had Friday off, so we went on a man-date and saw:

A few minutes before the movie started, we were the only guys there. Some others showed up as the movie was starting, but we were the only ones without accompanying females. That said, I enjoyed the movie, so take away what you will from that. =p

On Saturday, I watched UT lose (good try though, guys) and just did some misc hanging out. Sunday, I had a birthday lunch with the family and then hung out with peeps again. Viraj and I finally got around to recording some post-Asia trip interviews for our trip documentary. I cut a few of the clips together last night and it’s turning out well. I still need quite a few snippets, but it’s a good start.



Poor blog, so neglected. After the new year started, I stopped trying to keep up with the at least one blog post per week… I now see that without that target, I apparently don’t post very much at all. =)

Alrighty, so it feels like it’s been a busy month.

BV All-Hands:

BV All Hands May 2011 001

BV All Hands May 2011 009

BV All Hands May 2011 013

BV All Hands May 2011 031

BV All Hands May 2011 042

BV All Hands May 2011 044

BV All Hands May 2011 050

BV All Hands May 2011 057

BV All Hands May 2011 062

BV All Hands May 2011 064

BV All Hands May 2011 071

BV All Hands May 2011 074

BV All Hands May 2011 081

As usual, the rest on flickr.

Melissa graduated:

MelissaGraduation 001

MelissaGraduation 004

MelissaGraduation 009

Flickr set.

Shot the Midgetmen & Blistering Speeds:

BlisteringSpeedsAndMidgetMen 004

BlisteringSpeedsAndMidgetMen 010

BlisteringSpeedsAndMidgetMen 016

BlisteringSpeedsAndMidgetMen 021

BlisteringSpeedsAndMidgetMen 024

BlisteringSpeedsAndMidgetMen 025

BlisteringSpeedsAndMidgetMen 038

Flickr set.


Gid showed us this video at Vox:

Last Minutes with ODEN from phos pictures on Vimeo.

It was pretty moving as I think we can all connect with the pain of loss. Sometimes it’s good to cry, ya know?

The Bazaarvoice crew lost one of our young implementation engineers this weekend to a stupid hit and run. If you have any information, please contact APD. I didn’t know him very well, but from the small bit of time I worked with him, I know the loss of Andrew Runciman will be felt at BV, so I can only imagine the loss felt by his friends and family. Prayers to you all.

Hong Kong/Singapore

Yeah yeah yeah, I went to Hong Kong and Singapore. Here are some photos:

Hong Kong 007

Hong Kong 017

There was a Korean place in this alley that was awesome:

Hong Kong 024

Hong Kong 029

Hong Kong 045

Hong Kong 054

Hong Kong 061

Hong Kong 070

I like to think of this as SAW VII: PANDAMONIUM:

Hong Kong 118

Hong Kong 130

I picked my own fish to steam from this lot of live seafood:

Hong Kong 196

It was mighty yummy. =)

Hong Kong 192

Clown barf!

Singapore 004

This chili-crab in Singapore, OMan recommended, was also rather yummy.

Singapore 030

Lots more photos on flickr.

I also made a movie trailer starring Melissa!

I'm back!

Yes, I’m back in the US now. I’ll post more later but I just wanted to say happy 2011!

Here’s a wordle image of blog posts for 2010.

Am I going to get in trouble because “Sam” is mentioned more times than “Melissa?” Uh ohhhhhh…

You can see last year’s for reference.

I return!

Okay, so I returned Friday night, but my schedule’s pretty much back to normal now. For a while over the weekend, even though I seemed to have quickly returned to a normal sleep schedule, I think my eating schedule was still off. I felt like I wanted to eat even though I had already eaten and felt full still. Hungry and full at the same time. It was weird. Anyways, I’m good now.

I’ve used my Kindle pretty heavily and I read three books on my London trip: Ender’s Game, Hunger Games, and The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo. I’m also now about 90% through the first Wheel of Time book. That one starts pretty slow, but it’s finally picking up now.

On Saturday, I was really looking forward to playing ultimate again and it was pretty fun. Last night, we skipped WoW (didn’t have enough people to raid) and played DotA instead, which was also good to get back to. We need to start HoN sometime soon… =)

Oh, and as usual, Flickr (but not my account!) has photos from the London Summit.

SCS10 London 101

SCS10 London 169

SCS10 London 205

SCS10 London 223

Wooooooo Wooooooo

The Expendables was pretty awesome, especially sitting with OMan. OMan gives the movie enjoyment+10. Here are some quick weekend highlights:

  • Watched Scott Pilgrim vs The World (pretty enjoyable)

  • Played ultimate (I think I hurt my ankle a little again…) then ate at Asia Cafe

  • Played DotA

  • Played Nertz - Melissa was on a team by herself and she still won (beating three other teams that had a pair of people, including me + Mark). Crazy girl… =)

  • My A/C broke =(… but it’s now fixed!

  • I moved my computer into the new case I found at Fry’s =)

The Expendables

After learning of the The Expendables movie that is releasing this week, the first thing I thought of was OMan. If you know OMan and do not know what The Expendables is, you must watch this and you will understand:

Notable quote:

“If testosterone could mate… with an explosion… this would be the offspring.”

So it was to much of my surprise that when we were purchasing tickets to the midnight showing, OMan said:

Haven't got it yet. 11:55pm is kind of late. I'm sure after watching a movie like that will get my adrenaline going also. I am waiting on a response from my brother to see if he wants to go so I can buy tickets for both of us.

But after a few more emails saying how it would be a crime not to see this movie with OMan…
