Oh My Homies!

Hellooooo there intarweb! Long time no talk, eh? =) I have dropped to nine hours this semester so hopefully it will be an easy last one for me. Elements meeting last Monday was pretty nice and it looks like we’re going to have great discussion this time around. Unfortunately, it looks like all the girls have ditched us and our group is now the “guys-only” Elements. Hmmmm…

World of Warcraft status: level 47
Real life status: still single

lol ;)

Ripping picture from Van cause I like it:
Oh my homies!!! BTW, has anyone seen my TI-83?


While in NYC, we’ve come up with some plans on what to do if certain “worst case scenarios” arise. Here they are:

  1. Someone points a knife at us and tells us to hand over our money.

Solution: Turn, kick Sam in the knees and run. Optionally, throw down a $20 or two on Sam’s body on the ground… then run.

  1. We “accidently” punch another group of kids in the face.

Solution: Turn, kick Sam in the knees and run.

  1. Knees are kicked in, can’t run.

Solution: You’re Sam… sorry, can’t help.



Went to see Ocean’s 12 today. It was alright, not as good as first… a bit disappointing. My sleep schedule is out of wack again (as expected once school is out =)… seeing as it is 5AM, I think I may just try to stay awake until Liquid.

Hmmmm… we actually played two games of WarCraft3 tonight. It’s been a long time.


Haha, sometimes… the reviews on UTLife.com are wonderful. Look at this one:

From a student who took EE 313 - 04/23/03
Avoid Aggarwal like the plague! If there are only two choices for EE313 and one is Aggarwal and the other is Adolf Hitler… take Hitler, or just wait a semester and see if anyone else teaches the class. Trust me, you’ll regret it if you sign up for this turtle-like man.

His grading is by far the worst part. Homework is given twice a week and consists of problems that usually have nothing to do with his lectures. They are graded with a gratuitous use of the letter X with absolutely no explanation of why you got a problem wrong - not even a correct answer is given. Exams are the same way, but even worse. If you miss part B of a certain question, but you need that answer for part C of the same question, just kiss your grade goodbye.

He stutters like some sort of walking-seizure during lecture. In the whole hour, he might only say three words. None of these would be relevant to anything, of course. Sometimes, he acted as confused as the class. Often, a student would have to explain where he went wrong in trying to solve an example on the board.

I’ve heard that every other teacher for 313 is awesome, so if you were thinking of taking Aggarwal then just stop thinking! Check yourself into Bellvue and say hello to your friend, Mr. Straightjacket…

Haha… awesome.


I think the coming of Nancy’s birthday brings illness to my poor weary body (I was sick last year around this time too). My throat feels a bit weird and I feel I am on the verge of sickness. =( Sometimes, I smell this weird scent that seems like it is coming from within me… it is not pleasant. Woe is me! The wrath of Nancy is upon me! (must have been those pictures…)

V What?

Viraj: no donuts for her fatness
Oliver: ok
Viraj: no, i was asking?
Viraj: retard

Rain Rain...

The rain inhibits my abilities to take pictures. Actually, yesterday wasn’t bad, I just wasn’t sure if the rain weather was gone or not in the morning.

I think the class I’m closest to a B in at the moment is Linguistics (hmmm… might even have a B in there at the moment). The rest are looking pretty good I think.

I can’t wait until Christmas! I’m done December 8th. =) This semester has been so incredibly nice to me… next semester probably won’t be as kind. =(

Anyone know what I should study for GOV310L CLEP?