
Bravo man… really, I “applaud” you. You’ve been successful in deleting a few quotes and memories from OliverWEB. Great job, really. I don’t know if I could have done it better myself.

I could just email this to you, but I know you’ll read it here. I’ve got nothing to hide, perhaps you do? I could very well go through every strand of OliverWEB and take off every reference of you… how would you like that? I won’t… I’ll be the bigger man right now. I won’t lower myself to your level. Getting pissed yet? You have a problem with that. Read on. Perhaps you should think through things a bit more before you actually do things. That’s a novel idea, think. Wow.

You need help man, I’m sorry… I don’t think I can anymore. Perhaps you’ve forgotten all the times I’ve tried. After all this, do you still not see clearly, are you still all tangled up in your pride? Wow, you’re 18 now… that makes you a man, right? Yeah, just like how wearing that black belt makes you a super cool martial arts dude. Let me tell you something. And make sure you listen and understand, because you’ve probably had some trouble thinking lately. It means nothing. Nothing at all. Think you’re a man? Can handle your own life? Deep within, you’re not a man, you’re a whining little brat foul mouthing every person around him because things didn’t go your way.

Stop trying to control people… you can’t, you won’t, and you’ll only end up screwing your own life up while hurting others in the process. Am I pissed right now? Yes. Another congratulations to you man, you got Oliver mad. Few have been able to achieve that task. That make you the best? The smartest dude ever? Give me a break. You didn’t even “hack” into OliverWEB. You knew my quote page password… that’s smart thinking there, let me tell you. You broke a trust, have I ever broken a trust to hurt you?

Perhaps you weren’t the one who messed with the page? Let’s look into this, shall we? You knew my password. It was a few days/hours (I don’t know, I was in Dallas) after I erased your account(s) on OliverWEB, so you have a motive. “To each his own…” has you written all over it. Perhaps it wasn’t you? No, scratch that idea.

I urge you to look within yourself and see how truly twisted you are right now. There’s a song that goes “humble thyself in the sight of the Lord”… maybe you’ve sung it before? You should listen to the words from your own mouth. Really, you should. I said I was mad, but do I hate you? No, I will never hate you no matter what you do. I am sorry for you, I’m sorry our friendship has gotten to become like this, I’m sorry there is no friendship anymore.

May God be with you and open your eyes. You’ll need Him.

-To the others reading this, please don’t add any “scolding” in the comments. Let this be.
