1:40AM Post

Like the title suggests, I’m making (well, starting at least) this post at 1:40AM. Weee. I just watched a bunch of trailers on Apple’s site and now I’m in a mode of “deep contemplation.” The only thing is that I’m not sure what I’m contemplating about. =)

Hmm… anyways, saw the Jersey Girl trailer again and thought that that looks like another movie you’d go to on a date. Well, that lead me to Kevin Smith’s online diary on it and it seems like he thinks it’s the best movie he’s every made (although very different from his other movies). shrug Also found some movie that Stupid Blond Girl From 24 is in and… uhh… as VJ would put it, it looked pretty squirty. I love how that can mean both something really good and something really bad… and I’m not even going to clarify, so it’ll be left as vague as ever.

School’s not too bad yet, although I see the horrible onslaught of Chinese + multiple CS projects + tests + extracurricular activities + work eventually hammering at my head and state of “sanity.” So far, I’ve just got Chinese and Liquid website stuff… and that’s not too bad.

It’s always quiet in the room with just Sam and I. We both have headphones on and are on our computers. Samitucus or Samiticus, which spelling do you guys like better?

Uhhh… bathroom time.
