Happy Birthday, Van!

Today is Van’s bday, happy birthday, Van. =)

I would also like to say that Day After Tomorrow was like Titanic + Independence Day + Twister all rolled into one and not as good as any of them. It even had typical overused/done before scenes such as:

  • Guy hanging from rope, cuts himself off, falls to his death to save friends that are holding on to him
  • Teenage Guy/Girl thing
  • Father/Son thing
  • Wolves.
  • Running away from monster thing
Yeah, again, I would like to say that if this movie was being touted as “the movie the Republicans don’t want you to see,” by the Democrats then I’d have to say that the Republicans have much better taste than the Democrats. Either that, or the Democrats have a great sense of humor and failed miserably at conveying this film was intended as a comedy… oh, and the Republicans don’t want you to see comedies.

However, there was a bit of good eye candy, and if you don’t take the film seriously at all, it can be a good laugh. I think it would have made a better comedy if they had just taken everything one step further. For example, here are a few things they could have also thrown in that “the gang” came up with:
  • At the end, we nuke the whole northern hemisphere, mutation goes insane and the dead frozen people in the north “wake up” –> X-Men vs Zombies time.
  • At the end, we see a lot of stereotypical people from foreign nations dance around and rejoice as we see the clouds vanish (think end of Independence Day)
There’s gotta be more things we came up with, but I can’t remember them at the moment. There were also a few good jokes thrown in there every so often. All in all, the movie really was just splices of a bunch of other movies, with blatantly blunt, stupid “in-your-face” attempts at political statements. Feel free to throw in more stuff in the comments. =)
