
So I finally looked at my server logs and it seems like I’ve got a decent number of people hotlinking my images. Apparently I show up quite high on some Google image searches. I’ve decided to put an end to that and modified my htaccess file to block requests for images other than those from shrug

Here’s a graph of how many requests I got for an image of Pikachu:


I thought about instead of forbidding access to the picture to replace it with… hmmm… wait, that’s actually a good idea… I’ll get back to you on that. =)

Edit: OMG, this is hilarious!! Go here and scroll down a bit… you’ll know when you see it. =) (You may need to refresh/reload the page once)… some more. Oh… if your firewall is configured to block the HTTP_REFERRER in your browser, it prob won’t work and you’ll just see sad Pikachu… gotta figure out a way around that…