
I’ve known how to solve a Rubik’s cube for so long now that I think most of the algorithm has been stuffed into my subconscious and comes out whenever I’m bored to solve the thing. However, a few days ago, when I was pretty tired, Chad asked me how to do a certain move that I should have known how to do. It was like my subconscious realized it had been discovered and ran off across a bridge over a cliff, got to the other side and burned down the bridge so no one could follow because once I started to try to do the move to show Chad, I was totally blank despite having solved the cube at work a day or so before.

Anyways, I decided to let my mind sit on it for a while and maybe good ‘ole subconscious would come out and show me the tricks again, but that hasn’t happened. As a result, today I sat down on my bed for an hour or so and started fiddling with it and I triumphantly have found a new way to do the move I wanted to do (at least I’m fairly sure it’s not the same way I did it previously). I even found out a faster way to do things when certain patterns come up. Yayayayayayayay.
