The Corps

Ever wonder how good of a Green Lantern you’d make? Sometimes I think I’d make a pretty good one because I can be pretty stubborn and my will often overtakes my want. It’d be pretty cool to conjure up green glowing minions to battle the forces of the evil (or destroy fellow lanterns ;)… and there’s no doubt I’d be better than the black one. =) I’d love to will up many little bunnies to attack people or maybe a horde of Johnny Fives to drive someone insane by continuously and by the millions demand “more input.” No lame simple green beam for me. =)

Only thing is I’m not sure how well my will stands up to physical pain… I think I can handle a variety of pains rather well, but if some super-villian broke my arm, could I maintain a green cast to continue the fight? If I lost something I loved, would my enemies still “beware my power” “in brightest day, in blackest night?“ I would like to think so. =)

Oh, and I think it’d be funny to instantly throw up a brick wall in front of Flash. Haha, silly speedsters.