I have this bad habit of sticking things in my mouth and biting down on them. When I don’t have anything to stick in my mouth, I usually use my finger nails and apply some pressure to them with my front teeth. shrug Maybe it’s due to anxiety… who knows. =) I remember in CS310, when Van would decide to skip his equivalent EE class (forgot the number), sometimes he’d take my pen, throw it on the ground and stomp on it or something and minutes later it’d be in my mouth again. Oh well, builds the immune system I suppose. =)

There’s this touchscreen stylus I have here at work (I have plenty, actually) that I found myself sticking into my mouth recently and I probably shouldn’t… except today I accidentally broke it in half with my thumb. Doh…

I’m looking around my cube and maybe I should clean it up some, I look like some crazy hacker with electronics all over the place… and I’m guessing I’m probably violating a bajillion “POPI” rules (guidelines for protecting intellectual property or something). Oh well, it looks like I’m busy at least. =) Hey Andrew, are you going to drop by sometime before… tomorrow? Haha… or if you somehow smuggle out your badge, you should drop by after your exit interview. =)

Oh yeah, and this entire post is really just so I can post these…

“So when you feel like hope is gone.
Look inside you and be strong.
And you’ll finally see the truth,
That a hero lies in you.”
- Mariah Carey