Elements Homework


So last night at Elements, I was tasked with taking this picture and creating the image above. As you can tell, it’s a really quick hack job in Photoshop, but I hope you enjoy it, haha… I didn’t want to waste too much of my life on it. =)

On a slightly related note, I think I may try to lead a college Elements… but we’ll see. There seem to be a lack of female leaders, so I may be stuck with no coleader and/or another guy coleader (which means the group will be all guys and not coed)… I seem to be cursed (or blessed? =) with all guy small groups (haha, well, except my current one… though the girls are far outnumbered). I think all my previous Elements, there has only been maybe one or two girls in the group other than the leader that sometimes showed up. Then, there was that one group where Jen Chi ended up being the only girl and eventually they made ours officially an all-guy group and sent her to another group. Haha…

“I know that your powers of retention

Are as wet as a warthog’s backside

But thick as you are, pay attention

My words are a matter of pride

It’s clear from your vacant expressions

The lights are not all on upstairs

But we’re talking kings and successions

Even you can’t be caught unawares” - Scar (The Lion King)