
People feel lonely all the time, it seems. They get into relationships hazardly, limit themselves, bow under pressure, etc. etc. out of fear of being lonely. Should Christians feel lonely? If you’re close to God (which you should be, or at least trying to be), why should you feel lonely? It seems to me like that shouldn’t happen, but it does. I suppose it’s because we’re never as close to God as we should be and loneliness comes out when we long for something physical (I don’t mean sexual) we can connect with on a more basic level in an attempt to find comfort.

I find myself getting pangs of loneliness sometimes (not right now =). I usually don’t let them last long, but it puts me into a state of solemn thought where I end up thinking about the friends I’ve had/have and where I could be in the future. I realize that I shouldn’t feel lonely and God should be enough for me and end up praying about whatever’s on my mind a the time (uhh… other than being lonely), so maybe it’s not so bad of a feeling afterall if you don’t let it consume you. Maybe it’s not so much of “should Christians feel lonely?” but “what should Christians do when they feel lonely?” Loneliness isn’t the problem, it just depends on how you handle it and what you do as a result of feeling it.

When it comes to single people feeling lonely, a lot of times people get into relationships to “cure it.” I don’t think that’s a good reason to get into one and kinda puts a shakey foundation on the whole thing as a primary motivation to get into it was “just to have it.” Of course, what do I know, I’ve never been in one. ;)

So yes, these are some thoughts going through my head right now as I switch back and forth between writing a sentence here and there and working on a presentation about image processing units, MPEG4 encoders, MBX 3D modules, Linux board support packages, and the like. =)

On a lighter note, guess who has andrewapproved.com. =)

I wanted to find lyrics to post that were completely disjoint from the rest of this post…

“Life is like a hurricane here in Duckburg
Race cars, lasers, aeroplanes - it’s a duck blur
You might solve a mystery or rewrite history

Duck Tales, Oo-oo
Tales of daring-do, bad and good luck tales, oo-oo

D-d-d-danger, watch behind you - there’s a stranger out to find you
What to do? Just grab onto some Duck Tales, oo-oo!
Not pony tails or cotton tails but Duck Tales, oo-oo!

When it seems they’re headed for the final curtain
Bold deduction never fails, that’s for certain
The worst of messes become successes!

Duck Tales, Oo-oo
Tales of derring-do, bad and good luck tales, oo-oo
Not pony tails or cotton tails but Duck Tales, oo-oo!” - Duck Tales