Colder Weather

I kinda like the colder weather. One thing that stinks about it though is waking up in the morning once you’re all nice and warm inside your blanket. Man, that cold air is so uncomfortable! Also, if you turn on the shower water and the first blast of water is cold and hits you. That’s unpleasant too.

I’ve been wanting to run in this cooler weather for a while, but with the time change, my shin, and some other random stuff, I haven’t quite gotten around to a good run yet. Maybe today. It’s nice running weather. =) If it gets a lot colder, I’ll prob have to pull out some sweatpants or something. I like the cold, I think – seeing your breath, drinking something hot, huddling up under blankets. It’s nice. =) I think I like cold weather fashions more too… but not like I really care a lot about that… haha…

“When I was young
I never needed anyone
And making love was just for fun
Those days are gone
Livin’ alone
I think of all the friends I’ve known
When I dial the telephone
Nobody’s home

All by myself
Don’t wanna be
All by myself
Anymore” - Celine Dion