It's Out

Okay, so now that my group at work knows, I guess I can let it out. I’m leaving Freescale and going to a start-up: Bazaarvoice. I kind of view this as leaving a safe zone and going into the risky, but it’s exciting and I think the work is much more up my alley. I’m looking forward to it. My last day is the 17th of this month at FSL.

I think I’ve begun to realize that I play things too safe and I don’t take risks. I want to change that. Staying at Freescale is the safer, more “stable” choice, but I don’t feel any passion in what I do and I don’t feel driven. I’ve thought that I was a boring person before cause I don’t really have many stories to tell of things I’ve done. I was generally a well-behaved kid and I never did anything really “bad” before… which is all nice for my parents I guess, but it’s just no fun. ;) Haha, not that I wish I were a more mischievous kid, but I feel like I was always too scared of taking risks and would rather move along quietly, slow, steady, and safe.

I don’t think that’s the kind of life God wants many people to have. A lot of our society is geared towards being safe and comfortable. People go to school, get cushy jobs and focus their efforts on making things safe and comfortable. They don’t end up changing many things in the world, they just form a little bubble for themselves. Not that I’m saying my moving to a start-up is going to be world changing or anything, but I think for a while I bought into the attitude of becoming safe.

I’m done, time to take some risks.

“Life is more than money
Time was never money
Time was never cash,
Life is still more than girls
Life is more than hundred dollar bills
And oh the town fills
Life more than fame and rock and roll and thrills
All the riches of the kings
And up in wills we got information in the information age
But do we know what life is
Outside of our convenient Lexus cages” - Switchfoot