So here's a question for ya...

Two 22” Dell widescreens or a 24” Dell widescreen? =)

I had been planning on eventually getting the 24” Dell for photo editing once Photoshop CS3 was out, but man, a 22” for $329.00?

Looking at user reviews on Dell’s site (which might I add are powered by Bazaarvoice ;)), it seems like the quality of the 24” is higher than the 22”…

However, it doesn’t seem like the 22” is horrid and the allure of two 22” monitors for the price of a 24” is something I cannot ignore. =)

The resolution of the 22” is 1680x1050, which would give a screen real estate area of 1,764,000 square pixels. Double that and I get 3,528,000 square pixels. The 24” is 1920x1200, or 2,304,000 square pixels. So I would get roughly 50% more pixels going the two 22” route, but with probably a bit lower quality. Of course, I’d have to put up with the space between the two 22” monitors as well.

Edit: Actually, looking at the 20” Dell monitors, the resolution is actually the same as the 22” one. The 20” are actually slightly more expensive than the 22” too (probably because the higher DPI is harder to make). The 20” also have quite good quality from what I’ve read.