
I’ve been watching the show Heroes since it started due to somewhat mild curiousity. I wouldn’t say I would be terribly upset if it started being horrible or all of the sudden got canceled, but it was pretty entertaining. I also wouldn’t say I was a huge fan of the series… until last episode. So to me, that last episode made being caught up on the series entirely worth it and if things are going to be like that from now on, man, I’m pumped. The last episode was by far the best of the series in my opinion and just made the show for me. I am now very much anticipating the rest of this season now instead of just watching it whenever. =)

spoiler warning

What’s particularly clever about the way things worked out is that the ‘bad guy’ had a redemption of sorts and you actually feel for him, but at the end, he’s still the bad guy because he won’t remember a thing! I really like how that worked.

So… another thing… can the Haitian block other’s powers? Maybe just other’s powers if their powers are mental-based? Or he can’t, he just does the memory stuff and someone else is blocking powers? It seemed to be the case that he blocked the mind-reading guy’s powers, the verbal-control girl’s powers, and Sylar’s powers. But he didn’t seem to do anything against invisible guy and Peter’s powers… and maybe not the nuclear guy.

Anyways, speaking of heroes… 300 was pretty hot. =)