
So last week I decided to trade in my 10-22 for the 17-40L. While not quite as wide, it’s pretty darn close and can fit on both my 5D and Rebel XT. David Zhu asked me to sell him my 10-22, which I instinctively said “no” to. However, after doing some research, I discovered the 17-40L was pretty much the same price as the 10-22 and would give me roughly the same thing on my full-frame 5D, so I went for it.

Also, today, I made my final payment on my Mazda 6. Wheeee! I am looking forward to getting rid of all my debts. There’s about $5k left on the Civic, and then I’ll be done! I am not counting my edu loans, because the interest rate on that is so low, I’m going to string it out for as long as possible, haha.

Okay, time to play with the 17-40L…