Congrats to Matt & Tara!

I posted pics a day or so ago, but figured I’d make a blog post too. Matt and Tara, two of our interns at work got married last week. I got to be their designated photographer, so here are a few shots:

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… and the rest are here!

I was going through songs to post at the end of this blog post and ran across “My Heart Will Go On” which reminded me about a middle school talent show I went to at roughly post-peak Titanic craze. In said talent show, I recall at least three or four girls who sang that song as their entry, which was just horrible. By the end, you could sense that the audience was just tired of it. So… the goal of this is… if you ever are in charge of a talent show, do not let your performers do the same song over and over. It is terrible.

“Oh your reputation is so golden
You’re never lonely and you’re never home
I know you’ve been talking about leaving
You’ve lost all your feelings for this town.
Paint your nails and put your lipstick
You don’t want to miss your ticket out.
Just because you graduate from school
So high in the gene pool that’s your point of view.” - Dexter Freebish