Very early in the morning

It’s approximately 4:20AM right now and Viraj, Mark and I finished playing some DoTA after I watched Mark decimate Viraj in a game of Risk. In the middle of their game, I had a craving for ramen, so I went to HEB and got some. Ironically, by the time I got back, my craving had subsided and I was too lazy to make any, so… I ended up eating a bunch of junk food instead.

After seeing my 2009 blog word cloud, I’ve determined that I use the word “just” too much, so I’m going to make a conscious effort to curb that habit.

In my little photo sig, you’ll also see the “Happy New Year!” plate that Heather and Steph left for me before they kidnapped Ryan. Apparently they forced him to sign it too. How sweet. =p I, however, saw the secret code in my roommate’s signature that screams “help me! these girls are crazy!”

OMG, they’re torturing him by force-feeding him! Don’t worry, Ryan, the ninjas I sent to retrieve you should be arriving shortly.