Mozilla and Ally

Ally is probably Mozilla’s best dog friend. They play all the time and play for forever. Here are pics I mentioned a while back but just got around to uploading to flickr.

Mozilla & Ally & Viraj 010

Mozilla & Ally & Viraj 004

Mozilla & Ally & Viraj 011

Mozilla & Ally & Viraj 014

Two nights ago, Mozilla must have eaten something bad cause he kept on throwing up. I had thought he was over it, so I let him on my bed but shortly after, he threw up on my pillow/bed, so I had to remove the sheets and switch to my backup:

Mozilla threw up on my bed at 3:30am, so I've got to use the spare blankets/sheets... :p

I think I may be in the market for another house near the end of the year. Started to browse available ones just to get a feel for things again. A little excited about it (but not looking forward to the moving or the paperwork =/).